Simon L'Allier's blog

Whales are smart, too!

World Whale Day is also an opportunity to remind ourselves of their current conservation status and to address the many challenges they face.

Lobster fisheries now on Seafood Watch's red list for their impact on right whales

Entanglements from fixed-gear fisheries are the biggest threat to North Atlantic right whales’ survival, along with vessel strikes. However, I don’t think it is fair to fully put the blame on the fishermen, who are dependent on the industry and have relied on it as a source of income for generations.

We need alternatives for our whales

This year, the Sierra Club Canada Foundation will be organizing a Multi-Stakeholder Initiative to bring people together to discuss potential solutions to restore the Gulf of Saint-Lawrence and reduce NARW mortality from entanglements and other stressors. Let’s hope these discussions will accelerate collective action in the region to help relieve the pressures on our ocean giants.