About The Ontario Chapter


At Sierra Club Ontario, our work mainly focuses on protecting the Great Lakes ecosystem, increasing awareness about air pollution, and promoting Green Energy adoption in Ontario. Sierra Club Ontario also works on very local issues, in coordination with smaller communities in Ontario.

Our Sierra Club Peel Group is working with City of Mississauga to have urban river valleys designated as part of the Greenbelt, and is currently working with Region of Peel to increase diversion of waste from landfill and incineration from 45% to 75%. In June each year, we collaborate with TRCA and First Nations to promote stewardship of the Heart Lake Conservation Area Medicine Wheel Garden, and we work with Bike Brampton to engage hundreds of people in active transportation through a Bike-the-Etobicoke-Creek event.  

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe”

                      – John Muir, founder of Sierra Club US.


Sierra Club Ontario relies on donations and member fees to achieve success in the advocacy and grassroots work that we do. To support our campaigns, you can join Sierra Club Canada Foundation as a member, or make a donation to our cause (please note in the comment section that you would like the donation to be allocated to the Ontario Chapter). 


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