Progress Rpt on Wetlands Research (McMaster University)

Publication Date: 
October 15, 2011

This report is a progress report on the research funded by Sierra Club carried out from May to October in 2011. The three main projects share an overarching theme that examines threats to coastal biodiversity because of changes in the hydrologic regime of Lakes Huron and Erie.

The first project provides an initial glimpse of how northern pike utilize wetland and nearshore habitat in Tadenac Bay and the surrounding region.

Are you feeling radical?

Dear Friend,

I don't know what it is about today but I'm feeling slightly, well … radical. How about you?

When I wrote before Christmas about an impending government attack on Canada's environment movement, I wasn't expecting a formal Declaration of War just 9 days into the New Year. It came in the form of an "open letter" from Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver that’s receiving heavy media coverage all across the country.

Great Lakes Protection

The Great Lakes hold 1/5th of the world’s fresh surface water and currently provide drinking water to over 42 million people. The Great Lakes Campaign works to address concerns related to the Great Lakes Basin, water conservation, and pollution prevention.

Asbestos Action Alert

Dear Friend,

We are asking you to show solidarity with asbestos victims in the Third World and support the campaign to demand the Canadian government ban asbestos mining and exports. Asbestos kills over 100,000 people every year, and Canada is a major player in the death-dealing industry. There are a variety of products that carry asbestos fibers and if you are interested in more information then is a good source.

In a change of tactics, we’re not targeting all Conservative Members of Parliament (MPs) - but just one. A number of other like-minded organizations are also ‘adopting’ a MP and focusing their efforts on convincing him/her what their party is doing is wrong, unethical and immoral.

LATEST DAY OF FRACTION - Sept 17th, 2013

Don’t Frack PEI is holding a Public Meeting on Tuesday September 17th from 7pm to 9pm at Murphy’s Community Centre, Richmond Street, Charlottetown. Featuring Prof. Peter Clancy and Eliza Knockwood, and a song by Teresa Doyle.

Come and hear about the growing opposition to fracking across the Maritimes, and how fracking has no ‘social license’. We need your input as we discuss what we should do next to stop fracking from coming to PEI.