Help Save Sable Island.

One of Canada’s and the world’s most pristine places has been put on the bidding block for oil drilling and seismic blasting.

That place is Sable Island.

It is a place of magic and myth. It looms large in our minds as an iconic symbol of all that is wild and beautiful and untouchable.

It is home to wild horses, grey seals, and birds and species unique to just this island.

Of all the places I thought could never be touched by the ravages of industry, this would be it. Is nothing sacred?

Our own government is once again bowing to the oil industry and offering up Sable Island proper as yet another place to destroy forevermore.

If we damage Sable Island it will be lost forever. There will be no bringing it back.

I need you now to stand with me on this one. The fight to save Sable is emblematic of our need to move powerfully and quickly to protect our island home - the Earth - from climate chaos.

Please make a donation today to support our grassroots work to save Sable Island and the precious places and wildlife that sustain us all.

My nights are sleepless with the prospect of Sable Island being targeted so directly. These offshore waters – and the special species and spaces that are such a part of Canada’s natural beauty, its biodiversity, its fisheries and coastal communities – have in a heartbeat been offered up to oil companies by our leaders. We can’t allow this to happen.

I know you are as appalled as I am. It is outrageous. Together, you and I will fight to stop it.

Please make a donation to help us stop drilling at Sable Island.

My deepest thanks,

Gretchen Fitzgerald - National Program Director

P.S.: You can also send your letter to the Prime Minister here.