Ignorance is never an excuse…

First, thank you for your patience and the generous support you’ve shown during our year-end fundraising push. Believe me when I say we don’t like to “push” for donations, but the reality is we have to in order to keep our doors open.


We’re back to work now and I want to talk about mercury pollution.

Most people my age cite Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” when asked how they first became aware of the environment and the need to protect and preserve it. For many, the moment was the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970.

My moment of truth was the mercury poisoning at the Grassy Narrows Reserve in northwest Ontario. Between 1962 and 1970, two First Nations communities’ staple food — fish — had been contaminated with record-high levels of mercury from a chemical plant up the river. But no one knew, and for almost a decade they consumed the poison.





Sierra Club Canada, David Suzuki Foundation, Equiterre, EcoJustice, Ontario Beekeepers Association, Wilderness Committee, Canadian Organic Growers, National Farmers Union, Canadian Environmental Law Association, United Church of Canada, Bio-Dynamic Society, Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario, and Council of Canadians.





Summary of Sierra Club Atlantic's Annual Gathering September 6 & 7th on Prince Edward Island

Another successful ACC AGA was held on PEI, including a special evening entitled 'PEI Needs Clean Water - Come Join the Movement to Protect It!' Focusing on protecting Prince Edward Island’s precious waters, a panel discussion was led by: Don Mazer from the Winter River-Tracadie Bay Watershed Association, Andrew Lush from 'Don't Frack PEI',and Irene Novaczek science advisor to 'Save Our Seas and Shores- PEI'.

Over fifty people attended the evening, which highlighted key threats to clean, abundant water, including the lifeblood of the Islands fisheries, tourism, and aquaculture industries, the waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Russell Lake Takes Root Community Tree Planting - Successfully completed Oct. 5

"To everyone who came out to Russell Lake Takes Root Oct 5, I can't thank you enough! From the businesses who made the event so hospitable to the community members who helped plant 1600 trees in just under two hours, what an amazing demonstration of how communities come together. I hope people enjoyed themselves today and that you might consider joining us the next time we have an event! Photos from today may be posted in the future on the HRM Diverse Facebook page..


Thank you for joining our “Save the Bees” campaign.

We don’t take the time to breathe in the life around us and do something to protect it often enough, so I want to sincerely thank you for signing our new petition.

Although I know launching a new campaign was the right thing to do, our accountant keeps telling me not to do things like this “because it’s not funded”. He’s right; it’s NOT funded and we have absolutely no resources to fund another -- even small -- campaign.