Call your MP! Canada’s emissions cap must be implemented now!
The emissions cap, one of this decade’s most important policies for protecting a safe & secure future for Canadians, is under attack by wealthy corporations. These oil and gas corporations are hoping you won’t notice.
In Canada’s worst-ever wildfire season that displaced hundreds of thousands, Imperial Oil’s CEO made a whopping $17.3 million — and he wants to keep the profits rolling. That’s why oil and gas lobbyists are currently trying to decimate the proposed emissions cap in Canada. Imperial, part of the Oil Sands Pathways Alliance, is whispering overtime into a few powerful Ministers’ ears in order to decimate the policy to limit their sector’s emissions.
Please take a moment to call in to the offices of Canada’s cabinet ministers and your MP, and let them know:
- An oil and gas corporation emissions cap must be implemented now.
- It’s time for ministers to listen to Canadians: oil and gas corporations need to do their part to fight climate change.
Phone numbers can be found here, every call you can make gets us closer to ensuring the emissions cap is implemented!
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