How NOT to Extend the Life of Aging Nuclear Reactors in Ontario

Read SCC’s submission to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) on the proposed refurbishment of Darlington’s nuclear reactors.

There are serious shortcomings and omissions in the OPG (Ontario Power Generation) Environmental Impact Statement that was submitted to CNSC.

Sierra Club Canada is calling for:

  • OPG to subject its EIA to independent third-party peer review, including on the issue of the structural integrity of the concrete used in the reactor containment buildings.
  • A non-partisan Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Future of Nuclear Power in Canada.
  • Non-exposure to tritium in drinking water, a position consistent with the precautionary principle and responsible public policy. It should serve as a baseline in the CNSC assessment of the OPG EIS.
  • The inclusion of nuclear issues in the new Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) and a new IJC Nuclear Task Force to produce a report on nuclear issues.

Public hearings on the refurbishment of Darlington reactors are expected in November 2012.


Submissions to CNSC on OPG’s Proposal to Refurbish Four Darlington Nuclear Reactors: Or How NOT to Extend the Life of Aging Reactors in Ontario, July 18, 2012