It’s official: Coal is kaput in Ontario

From our friends at Ontario Clean Air Alliance:

On April 8th, the Thunder Bay Generating Station burned its last lump of coal marking the end of an era in Ontario. Thunder Bay was the last of the province’s five dirty coal-fired generating stations to close. Nanticoke, formerly the largest coal-fired power plant in North America,  was closed in December 2013, following on the heels of the closure of the Lambton Generating Station in October 2013, the conversion of the Atikokan station to biomass, which began in 2012, and the closure of Lakeview Generating Station in 2005.

Now with this final puff from Thunder Bay, Ontario has successfully eliminated the province’s single biggest source of smog, toxins, acid rain and greenhouse gases. This is no less a victory for people in Northern Ontario than it is for residents of the once smog-choked South. Coal burning at Thunder Bay and Atikokan led to rising mercury levels in northern lakes and damaged northern forests through acid rain. Fortunately, the north is rich in cleaner energy alternatives, from water power to wind.

Ontario’s coal phase out is a remarkable achievement and a tremendous example to the world. This is a great day for our province and our planet! The OCAA is proud to have played a central role in pushing forward the largest single action on climate change in North America. Thank you for your help!

– Angela Bischoff