Laurel Collins NDP

Laurel Collins NDP MP sits down with Brynna to discuss her journey into politics, the impact environmental issues have made in NDP policies, and the necessity of opening up opportunities and roles in government to the younger generation.

About Laurel Collins of the NDP

Laurel Collins podcast about her journey into politics and the impact environmental issues have made in NDP policies.Laurel Collins MP represents the riding of Victoria in the House of Commons, is the NDP Critic for Environment and Climate Change and Caucus Vice Chair. Collins also co-founded and co-chaired Divest Victoria, a non-profit organization that advocates for cities to take their money out of fossil fuels and put them into environmentally responsible investments.

We hope you enjoy this episode and don’t forget to keep the conversation going and subscribe!

Originally published in July of 2022.

Please note: Views expressed in this podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Sierra Club Canada Foundation or our chapters or programs. Representatives of the other major Canadian political parties have also been contacted and invited to appear on podcast episodes.

Make a difference for the environment at Sierra Club Canada

Sierra Club Canada empowers people to be leaders in protecting, restoring and enjoying healthy and safe ecosystems. At its heart, Sierra Club Canada Foundation is a grassroots organization with a “think globally, act locally” philosophy. Members are encouraged to actively contribute to environmental causes that engage or inspire them, in a capacity that best suits their capabilities.

Working with a strong volunteer base and collaboratively with other organizations has allowed the Sierra Club Canada Foundation to successfully engage in a range of environmental activities that directly benefit both people and the planet.

The Sierra Club Canada Foundation (SCCF) is a national registered charity that includes five chapters: Atlantic, Québec, Ontario, and Prairie, plus the Sierra Youth Chapter, a group whose mandate is to empower young people to become community leaders.

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