Ontario’s most diverse forests are under constant threat

A person votingOntario is home to 20% of Canada’s forests which are a vital resource for clean air and water. These forests provide a home to a variety of wildlife, including the western chorus frog, the wood thrush and bobolink; as well as at-risk species, such as the barn swallow and the yellow-breasted chat. Despite these facts, from North to South, Ontario’s most diverse forests are under constant threat from urban expansion and poor land use planning.

At Sierra Club Ontario Chapter, we are trying to change this.

We know this is no small task. We need as many voices as possible.

With a provincial election coming up this Spring, there is no time to waste. We’ve been waiting too long for the government to protect both people and the environment. And while we wait for the government to catch up, our natural environment remains under threat.

John Bacher, one of our members, has been leading the fight against development plans that jeopardize Ontario’s wildlife and natural spaces. His recent case in defense of the Thundering Waters Forest in Niagara Falls now awaits a decision at the Superior Court of Justice. But we know there are still many challenges ahead to get the government to start prioritizing the environment.

This article is part of our Spring 2022 newsletter, The Activist. You can find the full newsletter here.