Untangling the Trade Talks: What are the likely consequences of an EU-US trade deal for our food and
Hosted by 'Friends of the Earth Europe' alongside 'Transnational Institute', 'Institute for Agriculture Trade Policy' and 'Seattle to Brussels Network'
The Press Club Brussels Start: Thursday, Mar 13 2014 1:30 PM End: Thursday, Mar 13 2014 6:00 PM
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You are invited to an afternoon of open conversation on how the controversial EU-US trade deal could affect our food and environment.
Friends of the Earth Europe will be joined by the Institute for Agriculture Trade Policy,Transnational Institute and the Seattle to Brussels Network, plus representatives of the
European Parliament and Commission, farmers, consumers and citizen groupsfrom both sides of the Atlantic, to share perspectives on the likely impacts of a deal on our food and our environment.
The event coincides with the fourth round of trade negotiations on the Transatlantic
Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) happening in Brussels 10
th–14th March.
What are likely impacts of TTIP for food and farming?
Speakers will include:
Kathy Ozer, , US Family Farm Coalition
Adrian Bebb, Friends of the Earth Europe
Camille Perrin, , BEUC, The European Consumer
16:00–18:00: The controversial investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism and its risks for our environment
Speakers will include:
Rupert Schlegelmilch, European Commission, Directorate General for Trade
Višnar Malinovská, European Commission, Directorate General for Environment
Ilana Solomon, Sierra Club
Stuart Trew, Council of Canadians
Pia Eberhardt,Corporate Europe Observatory
The debate will be followed by a question and answer session